Sunday, December 17, 2023

a snip in the integrity of our friendship

i let out a sigh of relief this morning when i read your text. it felt like a burden was lifted off of my chest. then, however, there was a flash of anger. you're wrong about many things. bear with me in the following paragraphs, there is some raw rage. 

this was meant to be a fresh start for both of us. i asked. you agreed. and for any friendship to survive, both parties need to give. but you, stuck in your privileged victim mentality, sat up there on your high horse, so sanctimonious, so taking, never giving. i knew from the start that this new friendship wouldn't last, but i still gave it my best. go back and see, who texted you everyday other day? who asked you true, genuine questions? talking to you wasn't friendship, it was like talking to a chatbot. you were simply there to answer my questions. never reciprocated the questions or any initiation of your own check-ins. all me. and how silly of you, then, to say that "the words and actions ratio" wasn't meeting your expectations? do you just expect to sit there while i deliver my actions to you? that's not sustainable. actually, it is. the only thing it sustains is your victimhood and narcissism. then, i found out that you removed us from each other's Instagram. if you really claim to have been so genuine in your effort for this new friendship, wouldn't the respectful thing to do be to inform me of why you think we aren't ready to be on each other's IG? 

honestly, you are almost 21 years old now. i don't need to explain how stupid your passiveness was. i wonder if you are truly delulu or deliberately shielding yourself from the truth. grow up. i made a mistake years ago, and yes it put a snip in our friendship, but so did you. start taking responsibility for your actions and how they lead to circumstances.  

i really wanted to be your friend again. not you, right now, but the person you were back then. kind, understanding, caring, uplifting. i wonder if that person is still in you, but definitely not your current personality which is haughty, narcissistic, unkind, and selfish. i'm sorry if this angers you but it's the truth. the bitter truth. i never want to hurt you, but you seem to be okay hurting me so why don't you try some of your own medicine?

never wanted to hurt you. always wanted to fix the mistake i made as a lousy, troubled teen. obviously, i couldn't. and though i don't particularly enjoy talking to you now that you sound so self-absorbed and haughty, i do think it's just a wall you put up to not be hurt again. if that's the case, i understand and im sorry about it. 

you sent me a video and clearly you didn't care how it would make me feel (upset), so i want to leave you with two songs too. they won't hurt you. but hopefully it lets you see the truth. and also for old time's sake. 
