Friday, November 26, 2021


What is happening to me? Metamorphosis? 

For what good is a story if the characters never grow? 

That makes me wonder: who are the characters in my story? Am I also a part of their stories? 

What might be growth for me as the protagonist of my story may be reflected as a setback of my character in someone else’s story. Depends on how they write it, right? So why should I care how they write (or rewrite) my character? I shouldn’t, and I’ll try not to. 

This growth is for MY character in MY story. I am the author. 

I’m not the coauthor of any of the stories I feature in. That’s on them and how they perceive my character. 

What’s this rambling? I don’t know. I guess I’m starting to realize I should stop trying to individually work on my character in other’s stories. I should work on myself for myself. Right?