Thursday, July 5, 2018

Once Realised, Never Forgotten

How am I supposed to accept your love and affection again?
'Cause you were the one who left me in pain. 

In that phase, I had realised a lot of things;
one of them was never to trust human beings. 

You say you are sorry, that you still love me;
I try to believe it but apparently, that's not what I see. 

How can I believe I love you?
How can I accept that this is true?

...How can I ever forget this realisation?
Unless it leads to another destruction. 


You See What I Show You

The perfect student, layered with badges.
You think I'm rich I have a lot of gadgets.

But in real, I struggle, my family does too.
All my books are old but you think they're new.

My smile is sincere, my chest is straight.
If it weren't for the calendar, I'd never know the date.

Honestly, its true - don't judge a book by it's cover, 
Yes I am intelligent but not really clever. 


The Good Man Dies

Enclosed in my room, tears spill to my eyes;
I still can't believe how easily everyone lies.

As far as I have noticed, the good man always loses.
The bad man finds his way above despite what he chooses.

I ask myself, is being a good person really necessary?
'Cause the world only sees your bad..for them, all your good is blurry. 


Everything is Dim

Barely noticeable, I see darkness advancing towards me.
Pain strikes through my thoughts like thunder on sea.

I close my eyes as unwanted memories rush in,
my heart pounds frantically because even inside me...everything is dim.

Everything is calm now, everything is silent like the sea....
and before I know it, darkness is back to invade me.
