Thursday, December 31, 2020

2021, here I come

I have made a list of resolutions every year. And every year, I have failed to achieve them. I hope the fate of 2021 is different. 

So this year, I want to do things differently. And making realistic resolutions is a part of it. 

I want to discover who I want to be. I know who I am, just not what I can be. And it is never to late to be what you might have been. 

I want to learn to accept others’ opinions even if I don’t agree with them. 

I want to be honest with others, even if it breaks hearts in my doing so. 

I want to be able to learn to live with the grief that has taken up permanent residence in my heart. 

I want to learn a new skill and I want to hone my other language skills. 

I want to read more. Appreciate more. Love more. Live more. 


But most of all, I want to be able to look back at 2021 next year and not feel an ounce of regret.  

Edit: After my friend told me he messed up and caused trouble for me, I thought it fit to add a new resolution: when shit goes down, be calm.