Sunday, August 18, 2019

Love and pain; our promise

There is something I should know:
Sometimes, it is okay to let go. 

Summer is great, but maybe I need to let it snow. 
I need to let myself grow.

It is okay to love, but important to live;
Love is alive, and cannot be trapped within a dead thing.

Love demands to be heard, pain demands to be felt:
both, a living reminder of being human.

Love can be chained and pain can be freed, 
Both, a living rendition of my promise-

I will never leave your side, I said it with a smile;
Living up to it is difficult when instead of being with you-
I am behind.

Your happiness is a living reminder of our promise, 
where I am living it behind the scenes:
Behind the veil of your stainless steel;
Protecting, defending-
You are the body, I am the dress. 
I protect you, I defend.