"I really care about you"
you only say that when you appear to be inebriated,
but you just want me to open up, don't you?
Waiting for me to spill my secrets, building a case against me,
plotting every move along the way,
down to the last second...
Is it true that you hate me
because you don't know my secrets?
I know it maddens you
when you realize that all we talked about
in the past 126 minutes
is you.
I know that day in the train
when you told me you trusted me,
you realized how you finally let your guard down for someone.
How could you let that happen?
Surely I must have used my dirty tricks
to pry your secrets out of you.
So now you show me how you supposedly care about m
tell me things you say you never tell anyone
tell me that the littlest of my words have the power to upset you
tell me that you call me first and then others,
but really you're just waiting, aren't you?
Waiting for me to be vulnerable,
waiting to capitalize on every feeling of mine,
ready to pounce with your claws sharpened by my trust,
planning to make me hurt.
That will be your victory?
Knowing that someone who cared about you
only got hurt in the end,
and instead of love, all you did was pretend?
Is this true?
Or am I the one who's scared of trust,
of love?
Am I finding a reason to believe that
I am unlovable?
Maybe you truly love me.
Maybe I am only delusional.